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God created each of us for a purpose. P.L.A.C.E. can help you discover your unique purpose and how he has equipped you to fulfill it in the body of Christ, the church, and in your community. Completing this process will help you connect your passions and gifts with your life and ministry both within the church and out in the world.


In exploring these following areas you will get insight into how God has uniquely designed You for ministry


P ersonality Discovery


L earning Spiritual Gifts


A bilities Awareness


C onnecting Passion with Ministry


E xperiences of Life


Your unique combination of personality, spiritual gifts, abilities, passion and experiences can only be offered to the Body of Christ by you. This complete offering of everything we are is what the Apostle Paul spoke about in Romans 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship."


This Class is offered upon request. Contact the pastor if interested.



West Dighton Christian Church is passionate about helping people find their way back to God and grow in their relationship with God and others. We believe God is calling us to deeply impact our church family with a greater understanding of God’s Word and its practical application, motivating us to introduce Jesus to our communities by authentic love and service without strings attached.



2767 Horton Street.

North Dighton Massachusetts 02764



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